The Harvard Police Lineup

7th Mar 2020

Suspect #1 please step forward and say out loud “VE RI TAS!”These John Harvard wooden mascot figures were produced in the 1950s by Carter Hoffman. We thought that putting them into a lineup would be a … Read More

Yale Men

7th Mar 2020

We were thumbing through a Yale Guide from 1931 and was taken by how often advertisements referred to “Yale Men.”Although it admitted women to its graduate programs since 1892 it wasn’t until 1968 tha … Read More

Princeton v. Yale Football Rivalry

7th Mar 2020

We thought this Yale Record from 1951 captures the spirit of the Yale-Princeton football rivalry very well:Princeton v. Yale is one of the oldest rivalries in college football, dating back to 1873.We … Read More

A Birds-Eye Views of the Ivy League

7th Mar 2020

Harper & Brothers Publishers published an amazing book in 1895. It focuses on “Four American Universities,” specifically Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Columbia. The 202 page book offers great histo … Read More

Vintage College Slide Rules

7th Mar 2020

Logarithms, the basis of slide rules, were invented by the Baron of Merchiston, John Napier, in Scotland in 1614. After a couple of centuries of tinkering and development, advanced mathematics took a … Read More